How to Store an Open Bottle of Red Wine

Comment Conserver une Bouteille de Vin Rouge Ouverte

Oh dear! Here is a question that often comes up after a deliciously drunk evening: “How to store an open bottle of red wine Don’t panic! We’ve put together a comprehensive and mischievous guide for you that will ensure you never waste a single drop of the fabulous red nectar again.

Let’s activate our Sherlock Holmes mode: looking for the open bottle of red wine

Hold on tight, preserving your precious red nothing of a puzzle. A few simple tricks, and presto, it’s ready to be savored again like the first day.

A lire également

Victim of prolonged exposure? First you have to avoid the light

Ouch, light: enemy number one. A red open does not like sunbathing, at the risk of losing its flavor. As soon as your bottle is opened, store it away from the prying eyes of UV rays, in a dark and cool place in the piece.

Close, please! We do not leave a bottle open just anyhow.

After serving your red, cap it immediately with its own cap or (if you want to go big) get a custom cap. Pulltex offers, for example, a range of caps specially designed for the conservation open wine.

Heat wave alert! Pay attention to the room temperature.

Then, it is essential to monitor the temperature. A red opened keeps best between 12 and 14 degrees Celsius. Above, it may oxidize more quickly.

How long can I keep my open bottle of red wine?

Time to conservation varies from one red to another, but in general, a bottle open keeps between 2 to 3 days. Yes, you read that right, that’s all! Beyond that, your wine risks losing its panache.

BONUS: the most

Want a little more to keep your bottle ? Coravin offers wine preservation systems that allow pouring wine red without removing the cap. That’s to say ? You can taste your red according to your desires without having to worry about wasting the rest. So why deprive yourself of it?

There you go, you are armed to keep your bottles of red wine open!

With these tips, your open bottle of red wine will have no more secrets for you. You will thus be able to prolong the pleasure of tasting your red on several days, without compromising quality. Health !

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